Additional Articles About the Church, Worship, Ministries, and GCI

“From him [Jesus Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Ephesians 4:16)

What is the church?

What is the purpose of the church?

What is worship?

What is Grace Communion International?

Here is an outline of additional articles in this large category. To jump to a topic, click on the appropriate link.

The church, its mission, ministries and people

Financial support for the church

For a 462-page PDF document that compiles many of these articles, click here.

Worship and worship calendar

Christmas (celebrating the first advent of our Lord)

Holy Week


The Ascension


The sacraments — rites commanded by Christ


The Lord’s Supper (Communion):

Church history

Youth ministry

Children’s ministry

For articles about child-rearing, click here.

Women in ministry

Short-term missions

Grace Communion International — our family of churches


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