Short-Term Missions: Crossing Borders – Camp With a Mission

OK, so you’ve been there, done that and got a drawer full of camp T-shirts. Then perhaps you are ready to expand your Christian growth in a new and challenging way. How about stepping into a foreign culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ?

As part of our Generations Ministry programs, we have Crossing Borders—an exciting adventure. While maintaining the central focus on growing in Jesus, this camp will also include education and training in cross-cultural mission, along with some hands-on experience in Mexico.

Many of our summer camps are directed mainly toward preteens and teens. But this camp is open to Christians of any age who have come to know and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord and who now want to learn how to reach out to others with the good news of salvation.

We have a camp in Laredo, Texas, and do most of our work in Mexico within 20 miles of the border around Nuevo Laredo. Don’t expect a country club. The facilities are somewhat rustic, the temperatures are hot and the days are long. But it is worth it.

We have some recreational activities to have fun and build teamwork. But be prepared for this to be a working camp. Crossing Borders is not designed to be comfortable; it is meant to be transformational. We have chapel messages, praise and worship music, private and group devotionals, small group discussions, giftedness surveys, individual counseling, evangelism teaching sessions and role-playing. We’ll build the attendee’s awareness of his or her personal testimony and explore drama, speech, music, puppetry, clowning, social service and other means to reach out to nonbelievers with the gospel.

We take what we learn and apply it in hands-on ways across the border. We involve ourselves in service projects, church services, park ministry, music concerts, tract dissemination, one-on-one discussion with the local people, and other appropriate outreach activities.

Does this sound like something you would like to do? If you are looking for new challenges to stimulate growth in your Christian walk, if you are ready to reach outside yourself and invest in the lives of others, if you can accept the challenge of operating in a different culture, and if you want to share your heart and testimony with others who need to know Jesus, this camp may be just right for you.

Crossing Borders is open to any interested Christian, so spread the word to your friends, relatives, neighbors, classmates and others.

See the website:

Author: Lee Berger


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