
Growing in Christ
Love One Another
Discipleship 101
40 Days of Discipleship: A Self-Paced Doctrinal Instruction Plan
40 Days of Discipleship: The Second 40 Days
40 Days of Discipleship: The Third 40 Days
Christian Life
Obeying God
Responding to Jesus With Prayer
The Goal of the Christian Life
The Purpose of Blessings
Life in Christ: Living Like a Christian
Tell Peter
Our Relationship With Jesus Christ
Trusting God With the Problem of Sin
The Christian Life and Our Participation in Christ’s Continuing Ministry
Wholehearted: Finding Personal Wholeness in Jesus
What Is Truth and Does It Matter?
Four Major Worldviews
The Biblical Understanding of Truth
Why We Resist the Truth
Truth: A Choice to Be Made
What Are Spiritual Disciplines?
Spiritual Disciplines
Grace and Discipline – a Small Group Study
Prayer – a small group study
Silence and Solitude
Bible Study – a small group study
Fasting – a small group study
Meditation – a small group study
Submission – a small group study
Service – a small group study
Guidance – a small group study
Confession – a small group study
Worship – a small group study
Celebration – a small group study
Whole Life Stewardship
Spiritual Discipline – A Lifestyle
Our Goal: Christ Formed in Us
Learning to Be Like Christ in Everyday Life
Our Need for Spiritual Training
Our Greatest Needs: Prayer and Study
Four Point Plan For Spiritual Growth
Three Basics of Christian Life
Fellowship with God: Our Greatest Priority
What, Me Take a Bible Course Online?
It Was OK for Timothy
Right Idea… Wrong Foundation
"In Jesus’ Name": Reflections on Why Our Prayers Matter
Acts 4:24-30: How Shall We Pray?
Attacked by an Answered Prayer
Can You Do That in School? – Separation of Church and State
Moving Mountains and Cursing Fig Trees
Paul’s Pastoral Prayers
Prayer: Does it make any difference?
Prayer: When You Don’t Know What to Say…
Praying for My Enemies
Praying Like Elijah
Praying With Great Interest
Releasing God’s Power Through Prayer
Saying Grace Graciously
Talking With God
The Prayer God Always Answers
Yes! God Hears
The Role of the Law in Christian Life
Fulfilling the Law
Six Reasons to Obey God
The Greatest Commandment
Responsibilities to "One Another"
Behavioral Standards in Christianity
Responding to God’s Grace in Our Relationships
In Marriage… 1 + 1 = 1
Lonely in Love
Before You Divorce
Your Child’s #1 Teacher
Do You Have Time For a Happier Marriage?
If Jesus Were Married…
What About Divorce and Remarriage?
What the Bible Says About Divorce and Remarriage
The Single-Parenting Challenge
Mom, I’m Not Sure There Is a God!
Majors and Minors
Home Base – a Series by Jeb Egbert
Go Ahead – Spend, Spend, Spend
How Are You Today?
Jesus Loves Them, This I Know
My Mother’s Prayer
Our Children’s Heroes
Parenting "Do Over" Advice From Grandparents
The Gift
Train Up a Child…
Two Peas, Same Pod?
Washing Your Children in the Word
Six Steps to Financial Security
Are You Living Beyond Your Means?
Live Within Your Means
A Budget That Works
A Sample Budget
Developing a Spending Plan With a "Virtual Cookie Jar"
When It Comes to Spending, Patience Pays Off
Warning Signals of Financial Trouble
Solving Your Credit Problems
Balance: "THE" Financial Worldview
From Balance to Balance Sheets
Financials—The Way to Financial Freedom
Going Deeper With Financial Freedom
Acting Wisely During a Recession
Net Worth Statement
Setting Up Your Money Plan
Three-Month Spending Worksheet
Teaching Kids About Money
I Thought I Would Lose My Job!
You Could Lose Your Job!
Stewardship Involves All of Life
Money and Worship
Three Reasons to Give
How Much Is Freedom Worth?
Stewardship: Our Lives Are Not Our Own
Poverty and Generosity
A Life of Generosity
Generosity as a Way of Life
Planting a Seed for the Gospel
Give Now, in a Recession?
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare and You
A Biblical View of the Spirit World
Satan: God’s Defeated Adversary
Why the Devil May Care
The Serpent and You
Should You Look to the Stars?
Communication With the Dead: Is it Possible?
The God of this World
Put On the Armor of God
A New Year — A New Life
A Sorry State of Affairs – Understanding the Power of an Apology
A Story From Joshua, Relevant for the Church Today
Anger: A Battle We Can Win
Another Look at Faith
As Ugly As Sin
Being Human
Being Missional
Building Unity: the Story of Euodia and Syntyche
Buy One Set One Free
Can You Trust the Holy Spirit to Save You?
Disciples Who Didn’t Understand
Dying and Rising With Christ
From Both Sides Now
Getting Real
Go and Do Likewise
God Knows Each of His Children
Going for the Gold
Good News to the Poor
How to Be Effective and Memorable
How to Resist Temptation
"If You Really Had Repented…"
Insights Into Solitude
In God We Trust
Introduction to Moral Development
Is God in Control?
Is Jesus Enough?
It Can’t Be Depression…I’m a Christian
Unmasking Male Depression
It’s Not What You Aren’t That Counts
It’s Not What You Have – It’s Who Has You
It’s Hard to Forgive
Overcoming Alcohol Abuse
The Problem of Forgiveness
Leading in Spiritual Formation
Living the Trinitarian Life
Looking for a Better Life
Lovers of Pleasure…Are We Trying Too Hard to Be Happy?
Making Friends With the Disabled
Modern Slavery – The Unheard Cries
My Struggle With Pornography
Nobody Prepares You
Opening the Eyes — A Step at a Time
Peace in Christ
"People, I Just Want to Say, You Know, Can’t We All Get Along?"
Right in Their Own Eyes – An Interview with Paul Johnson
Running Away From Intimacy
Say It Loud, Say It Clear
Sharing in Jesus’ Life
The Use and Misuse of Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts Are Given for Service
Spiritual Gifts for the Gospel
Stewardship of Talents
Strip These Words From Your Communication
The Good Life — God Is Working in Us
The Movie of Life
Tired of Life, With Everything to Live For
Too Old to Be Useful?
Touching the World in Two Ways
Urge Protection
Walking in His Steps
What Time Is It?
When You Fast…
Where Is Love?
Whose Hope? What Future? Jeremiah 29:11
What Is Alcoholism?
The Slide Into Alcohol Abuse
Alcoholism — a Disease?
Alcohol and Teenagers
Alcoholism Is Treatable
Help for Family Members of Alcoholics
Coping with Stress…Without Alcohol or Drugs
A Child of an Alcoholic Speaks Out!
At Greater Risk – Women and Alcohol
Articles About Military Service & War
Pacifism and the Church of God
War in the Old Testament
Warfare and the Ethics of Jesus Christ
War and Vengeance in the Epistles and Revelation
Pacifism Series – Summation
Letter Regarding Pacifism
Police Q&A

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