
In Communion, we participate in the death and resurrection of our Lord, who shed his blood on the cross and…

Confirmation Ceremony

A confirmation service can take place during the worship service or at any convenient location and time. In our congregations,…

Connections (the Journal)

Connections is a journal written by ministry wives and women in ministry of Grace Communion International. We are making it available to everyone…

Covenant, Law and God’s Faithfulness

Central to GCI's reformation is the teaching that God's covenant with humanity was fulfilled on our behalf in Jesus Christ. By looking back from the vantage point of Jesus' declaration on the cross, "It is finished," we are able to understand not only what God was doing with Israel via the covenant (to which was added the Mosaic law), but also God's related plan for all humanity that reaches back "before the creation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4).

Covenants in the Bible

To understand the old and new covenants, we need to first understand what the word covenant means. In simple terms,…

Creation out of nothing

One of the more enigmatic questions posed by our understanding of the cosmos is this: Why is there something instead…

Creation vs. Evolution

The ongoing creation versus evolution debate made the news when Ken Hamm, a prominent proponent of young earth creationism, debated…

Crown of Thorns

When Jesus was on trial for his life, the soldiers twisted thorns into a makeshift crown and jammed it on his head…

Daddy’s Gone

Your friend has just suffered a severe loss. How can you help? I stared at the empty chair by the…

Dawkins’ God

Dawkins’ God: Gene, Memes and the Meaning of Life by Alister McGrath Reviewed by John Halford One thing I have…

Denominational Support

Connections A GCI denomination-wide journal that was published for ministers, wives and their families. The journal provided peer support, wisdom,…

Depth Perception

An important part of learning to drive is depth perception. Drivers need to know where they are in relation to…

Deuteronomy: God’s People Challenged

Outline of Deuteronomy Introduction (1:1-5) Historical prologue (1:6–4:43) Stipulations (4:44–26:19) Blessings and curses (27:1–30:20) Succession arrangements and public readings (31:1–34:12)…

Did the Jews Kill Jesus?

Part of the controversy surrounding the movie The Passion of the Christ is whether the film is anti-Semitic. Does it blame the…

Digging Up the Bible

What type of clothing did the patriarch Abraham and his family wear? Was there really a King David or a…

Disaster in New Orleans!

In America’s worst natural disaster, nearly a million people were displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Tens of thousands were stranded without power,…

Discipleship 101

Here are 30 articles that cover 10 major doctrines of the Christian faith. The entire series of 30 articles is…

Discovering Adoption

One night in 1975, while waiting for his meal in a restaurant, Gary Klahr struck up a conversation with a man…