The Colossian Heresy

Jewish legalism — dissident liberalism — or pagan superstition? What was the problem that shook God’s church at Colossae? While…

The Communion of Saints

The teachings of Jesus often challenge us—they set before us an ideal that is extremely difficult to live up to….

The Cross as a Symbol

Jesus said, “Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:38). He…

The Day I Fired Myself

I’m a control freak. I’ve known this for a long time, but when my patient and longsuffering husband pointed out…

The Faith of Abraham

For an overview of what will be covered in this chapter, read Genesis 12–25. Abraham is without question one of…

The Faith of an Atheist

A discussion with Alister McGrath Interview conducted by John Halford JH: Many Christians, when confronted with arguments against the existence…

The Favor of the King

Like many Americans, I enjoy keeping up with the British royals. The birth of the newest prince in July was…

The First Reforms

Transformed by Truth, by Joseph Tkach Chapter 8   Not long before he died, Herbert Armstrong my dad that some…

The Forgettery

A conversation with one of my teenage sons sometimes goes kind of like this: I say, “Did you make your…

The Founding Fathers

By John Drane, Ph.D., professor of Religious Studies at Stirling University, Scotland. The story begins with Abraham — or, rather,…

The Gathering Storm

The ancient story of Noah building his ark is much more than history. God instructed Noah to build the ark…

The Gentle Giant

Seven-feet-two-inches-tall Richard Kiel is probably best known as the actor who played the horrific “Jaws” character in the James Bond…

The Gift

I have received many gifts in my life. Some were precisely what I had hoped for, while others were a…

The Glorious Freedom

By John McKenna From left: Pastor Kang of the Oriental Mission Church, John McKenna, vice president; and Jae Soon Lim, president of…

The Gloves Are Off

It was a beautiful, sparkling day outside as I walked into the clinic. One of the technicians quickly greeted me…

The God of this World

Satan’s influence is pervasive. He can affect the unwary and strong as well as the weak and insecure. He would…

The Good News

Belief in Jesus Christ calls for action. We believe in one God, who has revealed himself as Father, Son, and…