Just a Nobody?

So you think you’re “just a nobody”? It doesn’t matter to God what you think about yourself. It’s what he…

Keep on Walking

In developing nations people walk for miles along roads. In crowded and remote areas, day and night, you see people…

Keeping Perspective

Neat and tidy! That’s how I like it! A place for everything and everything in its place! I like routine,…

Kitchen-Bin Guidance

As I keyboard these words, I can hear the faint sounds of my little granddaughter learning from her mother that…

Knowing God

In Psalm 113:5-6, the psalmist asks: “Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high,…

Label Me Loved

As long as I can remember, I have never been comfortable with labels. I guess it goes back to when…

Leading With Love

One Congregation’s Success Story in Reaching Out to Young People Most churches want to reach young people. The congregation I…

Let God Be God

May I ask you a couple of personal questions? You don’t have to respond out loud; silent answers will do….

Let Someone Else Do It!

A common unspoken (or sometimes spoken) attitude is, I don’t have to do (fill in the blank) because someone else…

Like a Weaned Child

Sometimes I skim over verses in the Bible that don’t mean anything to me personally without taking time to delve…


Years ago I helped escort a group of teens on an educational tour of Washington, D.C. Our hotel was on…

Live to Save

Once I was saved by a taxi driver. It was the late afternoon in hot and dusty Lagos, Nigeria. I…

Live Within Your Means

Often, families find that the totals in their bank accounts are quite inadequate and depressing. One reason may be that…

Living in the Present

Many people live in the past, constantly lamenting what might have been. Instead of accepting what cannot be changed and…

Living the Gospel

As followers of Jesus Christ, we proclaim the gospel—we announce the good news of what Christ has done for all…

Living Today

Mooroolbark Christian Fellowship (MCF) in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, began to reach out into its community about seven…

Living Water

In the developed world, we don’t really need to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Our supermarkets have…

Lonely in Love

When you were single, you may have expected marriage to solve your problem with loneliness. After all, didn’t God say,…

Looking for Love…

Our English word “love” covers a wide variety of meanings, depending on context. But that was not a problem in…

Lopsided Grace

It’s been said there are only about seven stories in the whole world, and the storyline of every book or…

Love One Another

I have just been through the heart-rending experience of discovering that a married couple – for whom I have enormous…

Loving in Deed

One day my mother helped throw her littlest brother out of the haymow. The haymow, a hay storage area high…