Revelation: A Vision of Victory
In a time of declining faith, we need the Revelation message Living faith in God is one of the burning…
Revelation: Book of Cosmic Symbols
To understand Revelation it is helpful to think of this writing as first and foremost a book of symbols. For…
Revelation: Book of Cosmic Symbols
To understand Revelation it is helpful to think of this writing as first and foremost a book of symbols. For…
Review of I, Judas
I, Judas by Taylor Caldwell Reviewed by Kerry Gubb If God can speak through a donkey,1 he can also “speak” to…
Revisiting the New Physics
Fall 2015 marked the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s releasing his General Theory of Relativity to the world. That was…
Rich in Good Works (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
Expect a blessing “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously”…
Right Idea… Wrong Foundation
800 years ago, the people of Pisa in Italy decided to build a tower. The tower was to have bells…
Right in Their Own Eyes – An Interview with Paul Johnson
The mind-set described in the last chapters of Judges, when “all the people did what was right in their own…
Romans 13 and Christian Submission to Civil Government
In Romans 13, the apostle Paul writes that, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities.” Does this mean that…
Romans 8:18-37 – The Certainty of God’s Love
Throughout the book of Romans, Paul explains that God counts us as righteous through faith in Christ. Even though we…
Roots of the Worldwide Church of God
This chart shows the historical relationships of the Seventh-day Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, Church of God Seventh Day, Advent Christian Church, Church…
Rumor Has It
The old Hee-Haw television show had a segment where a group of gossipy women sang a song saying they really…
Running Away From Intimacy
We Christians are supposed to be happy. Even when — especially when — things go wrong. We are not immune…
Ruth: Naomi and Ruth
Naomi and Ruth: Ruth 1 “In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land, and…
Ruth: Romance and Redemption
Ruth meets Boaz: Ruth 2 In Israel, the barley harvest began in the spring. The community in Bethlehem observed God’s…
Sabbath and Sunday – A New Hypothesis
My reconstruction I agree with the reasons Maxwell has given, but I wish to add one: Jewish Christians had a…
Sabbath and Sunday – Adventist Theories
Bacchiocchi’s theory Modern Sunday-keeping Christians often conclude that the apostles authorized or even commanded Gentiles to meet on Sundays instead…
Sabbath and Sunday in Early Christianity
Sabbath and Sunday in the Early Church
Sabbath and Sunday in the Early Second Century
Early second century Our earliest evidence from the second century comes from the letter of Pliny to Trajan, describing the…
Sabbath and Sunday in the Writings of Irenaeus
Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons in the last half of the second century, also gives us lengthy comments on the Sabbath,…
Sabbath, Circumcision, and Tithing – Introduction
Many Christians have questions about the laws of the Old Testament. Many people claim to keep the Ten Commandments, for…
Sabbath, Circumcision, and Tithing: Which Old Testament Laws Apply to Christians?
Many Christians have questions about the laws of the Old Testament. Many people claim to keep the Ten Commandments, for…
Safe in God’s Hands
Where was God when the tsunami struck in the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26, 2004? Is God useless in a crisis?…
Matthew 20:20-23 Yes, Jesus had said he was going to die, but we assumed his work had just begun. My…
Salvation by Grace
1. Does everyone fall short of what God commands? Romans 3:9-10, 23. What is the penalty of sin? Romans 6:23; 5:12….
Samuel and Saul
Birth of Samuel: 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 The book of 1 Samuel begins at a time when the judges still ruled…
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, to sanctify is “to set apart or observe [something] as holy” or “to purify…
Satan: God’s Defeated Adversary
There are two unfortunate trends in the Western world today regarding Satan the devil, who is mentioned in the New…
Saved by God’s Mercy (Titus 3:4-7)
“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we…
Saved by His Life
“These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by…
Say It Loud, Say It Clear
In March, 1989 Mike and Mechanics had the #1 song on the Billboard charts with the smash hit, The Living…
Saying Grace Graciously
I have been thinking about how we “ask a blessing” at mealtime. Quite often we say something like this: “Please…
School in Thailand Expands
Chugait Garmolgomut and his wife Amphorn (Fong) run schools in the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand. I recently helped Chugait…
Science and Bible, Evolution and Faith
In one of the most famous clashes between science and religion, the Church in the 17th century said that the…
Science and Religion: Bridging the Gap
Since the beginning of the 20th century, scientists have been exploring an entirely new way of looking at the world…
Scientific theology
Are science and theology at odds? Unfortunately many people think so. Thankfully, however, many scientists and theologians have come against…
Scripture: God’s Gift – Part 2
In the first part of this essay, we considered how Scripture is a gift of the living and speaking God….
Scripture: God’s Gift – Part 3
Guidelines for approaching Scripture reverently with prayer by faith Since, as we have been discussing, Scripture is the gift of…
Scripture: God’s Gift – Part 4
Rules for Interpreting Scripture As I said at the end of part three in this series, “With the Center of…
Scripture: God’s Gift – Part 5
Reality and the Meaning of Scripture This next-to-last article in this series covers several more aspects of listening to, studying…
Scripture: God’s Gift – Part 6
Concluding Principles We now conclude this series with several principles that help us interpret Scripture in ways that honor its…
Scripture: God’s Gift
The Christian church down through the ages has always regarded the Bible as indispensable for its worship, devotion and life….
Scripture: God’s Gift – Part 1
This is part one of a six-part series by Gary Deddo on interpreting Scripture. Links at the bottom of the…
Seeking a Center for the Church
Our Identity and Our Mission Various authors have various ideas about what Christian churches ought to be doing – and…
Seeking Lost Children
The overarching mission (purpose) of children’s ministry is help children come to Jesus and then mature as his followers (disciples)….
Self Portrait
Did you hear recently that what might be a Rembrandt self-portrait was discovered hidden under another of the Dutch master’s…
Send Us Some Children – A Story of Transformation
One gloomy Sunday morning in February 2003, I looked out over my “congregation” in Lexington, Ohio—that week it was just…
Service – a small group study
Introduction When we think about the spiritual disciplines, the discipline of service may be the easiest for us to visualize….
Serving as God Has Enabled (Romans 12:1-8)
In his letter to the Romans, Paul has presented the gospel — from our need for divine rescue to the…
Serving With Jesus in the Local Community: Meal and Prayer
GCI’s Abundant Grace Fellowship in Ft. Myers, FL, met to consider where we were and where we needed to go….
Seven Annual Sabbaths
1. As God was speaking the old covenant from Mt. Sinai, what kind of annual festivals did he command? Exodus 23:14-17….
Seven Letters to Seven Churches
Revelation’s seven letters to seven congregations in the Roman province of Asia provide us with a glimpse into the spiritual…
Share God’s Love (Jesus and Zacchaeus)
Hi everyone, I’m here today to tell you that God loves you. Now, if you’re a Christian, you’re probably saying,…
Sharing a Secret
I’ve got a secret—and you probably have one, too. But it’s no longer a secret. It’s been revealed in the…
Sharing in Jesus’ Life
Christianity is not about what we do for God; it is about being a part of what Jesus is doing,…
Sharing in the Life of Christ (Romans 8:1-17)
Paul’s letter to the Romans can be divided into three major parts: a presentation of the gospel (chapters 1-8), the…