Review of I, Judas

I, Judas by Taylor Caldwell Reviewed by Kerry Gubb If God can speak through a donkey,1 he can also “speak” to…

Revisiting the New Physics

Fall 2015 marked the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s releasing his General Theory of Relativity to the world. That was…

Rumor Has It

The old Hee-Haw television show had a segment where a group of gossipy women sang a song saying they really…


Matthew 20:20-23 Yes, Jesus had said he was going to die, but we assumed his work had just begun. My…

Salvation by Grace

1. Does everyone fall short of what God commands? Romans 3:9-10, 23. What is the penalty of sin? Romans 6:23; 5:12….

Samuel and Saul

Birth of Samuel: 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 The book of 1 Samuel begins at a time when the judges still ruled…


According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, to sanctify is “to set apart or observe [something] as holy” or “to purify…

Saved by His Life

“These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by…

Saying Grace Graciously

I have been thinking about how we “ask a blessing” at mealtime. Quite often we say something like this: “Please…

Scientific theology

Are science and theology at odds? Unfortunately many people think so. Thankfully, however, many scientists and theologians have come against…

Scripture: God’s Gift

The Christian church down through the ages has always regarded the Bible as indispensable for its worship, devotion and life….

Seeking Lost Children

The overarching mission (purpose) of children’s ministry is help children come to Jesus and then mature as his followers (disciples)….

Self Portrait

Did you hear recently that what might be a Rembrandt self-portrait was discovered hidden under another of the Dutch master’s…

Seven Annual Sabbaths

1. As God was speaking the old covenant from Mt. Sinai, what kind of annual festivals did he command? Exodus 23:14-17….

Sharing a Secret

I’ve got a secret—and you probably have one, too. But it’s no longer a secret. It’s been revealed in the…