Do It Anyway

I marvel when I see my daughters work with their children. Once, when Sherisa instructed her son to do a…

Do We Teach Universalism?

Some who criticize Trinitarian theology claim that it teaches universalism—the belief that everyone will be saved, regardless of whether they…

Do You Believe?

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and…

Does God Hate Christmas?

Spend five minutes surfing the Internet for information about Christmas and you’ll find websites calling for an end to its…

Does God Have a Body?

Some groups, such as the Mormons and some in what is called the “word of faith” movement, teach that God…

Does God Make Mistakes?

God does not change (Malachi 3:6; James 1:17). Indeed, his Hebrew name Yahweh indicates that he is The One Who Is, or…

Does God Play Dice?

You believe in a God who plays dice, and I in complete law and order. – Albert Einstein, Letter to…

Does It All Depend?

A few years ago, the Princeton Religion Research Center publication Emerging Trends reported that 56 percent of Americans, “with most…

Dog Is Love

Dog is Love” is a popular bumper sticker in western North Carolina where I live. It seems to be a…

Dr. Proverb

What do you call a Christian Board Certified Family Physician who created a musical genre called “HealthHop®” as a strategy…

Drawing First Blood

I’d like to say that I finally overcame my lifelong fear of donating blood, but that wouldn’t quite be true….

Dumpy, Dumpy Moments

In an effort not to disturb my slumber, my wife quietly slipped through the house trying not to let light…

East From West

Each spring, we celebrate the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ, by which our sins are forgiven and our eternal future is…

Easter in the Church

The death and resurrection of Jesus have been the central events of the church’s faith confession since it was founded…

Easter Sunday

Let’s explore Easter Sunday and its message concerning Jesus’ resurrection. This celebration powerfully proclaims the gospel of our Lord and…

Einstein and theology

Albert Einstein has always been a fascinating personality to me. More than a hundred years ago, he wrote a paper…


Luke 1:5–8 Mary danced across our threshold. Even after several days of mountainous travel, her lovely dark eyes sparkled and…