Stars of Wonder
I recently spent a warm summer evening in the country reclining on a friend’s deck. I was amazed to be…
Starting Right and Finishing Well (Philippians 3:4-14)
Paul writes to the church in Philippi to encourage them to rejoice in their trials and to be considerate of…
Stay Focused on Jesus
Jesus must remain our focus throughout the year. He alone is the final and ultimate revelation of who God is…
Stay Tuned
Every now and then my car needs a tune-up. Not necessarily because it stops working. It can still take me…
Stewardship Involves All of Life
Part 1: Our Lives Are Not Our Own The New Testament, although emphasizing grace, has hundreds of commands. These are…
Stewardship of Talents
Christian churches sometimes talk about the idea of “stewardship,” but especially for new people, it is often an unfamiliar word….
Stewardship: Our Lives Are Not Our Own
The New Testament, although emphasizing grace, has hundreds of commands. These are not requirements for salvation, but rather describe the results of…
Sticking Together
Having a wholesome breakfast prepares us for the day ahead. In many parts of Africa people eat a corn-based porridge…
Still Small Voices
I was recently asked to be one of several guest speakers at a women’s conference in South Africa. It was…
Stirred – But Not Shaken
Unlike James Bond’s famous cocktails, our faith should be stirred, but not shaken. These are stirring times to be a…
Strip These Words From Your Communication
The young couple across the restaurant aisle were obviously angry with one another. The portion of their conversation reaching…
Strong Theology vs. Weak Theology
One of the best definitions of theology is the one ascribed to Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), who called it “faith…
Submission – a small group study
Introduction As we examine and learn about the life of Jesus Christ, we see that his willingness to serve had…
Suffering and Worship
Several years ago, I started a series of messages in my church on worship. As I looked at Scriptures and…
Summary of the Gospel (2 Timothy 2:8-15)
The gospel (verses 8-13) Paul now moves to another topic, and a different style. He begins with a pithy saying:…
Surviving the Wilderness
I have almost caught up to the 21st century. I say “almost” because I still don’t have a smart phone,…
T.F. Torrance a Theologian For Our Times
T.F. Torrance Theological Fellowship Meeting 2012 Hosted Friday, November 16th. 2012 in Chicago, IL Reverend Father Protopresbyter George Dion…
Table Illustrating Doctrinal Differences and Similarities Between Religious Groups
Table Illustrating Doctrinal Differences and Similarities* Doctrinal Question Anglicans Puritans Seventh-day Sabbatarians Is the Sabbath a Creation ordinance? No Yes…
Take the Leap
Jesus once told a story about two kinds of people who went to the temple to pray. One of them…
Talking With God
We can communicate with God as our Father through the Holy Spirit. “THIS WEEK,” reported Newsweek magazine, “more [Americans] will pray than…
Talking With Paul Young
The author of The Shack shares his thoughts about his best-selling novel. I’m the most accidental author you’ll ever meet….
Teaching Kids About Money
Even while your children are small — 3 to 6 years old — you can begin teaching them about money….
Teamwork in the Church
Sometimes Christians assume that full-time pastors serve the Lord more than other members do. Although that may be true in…
Ted and Me, and Anthony, Too: The Joy of Mentoring
By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded…
Teen Ministry: Rethinking Our Paradigm
We are in a “whole new ball game” as we face the complex issues affecting today’s teens in our media-driven…
Tell Peter
The life of Peter, Jesus’ friend and leading disciple, is a lesson for all who are discouraged. He struggled with…
Text Speak
Dear BF (Best Friends), My first encounter with text-speak came a few years ago when I received an e-mail with…
Thank you for your donation
Your donation form has been sent to one of our operators for processing. We appreciate your support for the gospel…
Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His…
The Abundant Life
Christ came so we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Some modern preachers want us to…
The African-American Church
“Eleven o’clock Sunday morning is the most segregated hour, and Sunday school is still the most segregated school of the…
The Apostles’ Creed
As the Christian church spread throughout the Roman world in the first century, and as the first leaders died out,…
The Art of Possibility
The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander Reviewed by Nan Kuhlman The Art of Possibility, by…
The Ascension and the Return of Christ
In Acts 1:9, we are told: “After Jesus said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a…
The Audacity to Hope
I hadn’t yet been born when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pricked the conscience of the nation with the audacity…
The Basics for New Christians
For a nine-session course to use in teaching new Christians the fundamental elements of what it means to be a Christian, go…
The Battle Over Genesis 1
How are Bible-believing Christians in the late 20th century supposed to understand the crucial first chapter of Scripture? “In the…
The Battle Over Hell
It was my first visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. I was standing before The…
The Beauty Within
It was a warm summer’s day, so my daughter, two grandsons and I decided to visit the rummage sale at…
The Beginning – the First Five Books of the Bible
The first book of the Old Testament is Genesis, often subtitled “The First Book of Moses.” Tradition says it was…
The Best Story of All: The Gospel
I enjoy reading a book or watching a movie in which a good story unfolds. I especially enjoy it when…
The Bi-Vocational Pastor
Misconceptions about “bi-vocational” pastors Increasingly pastors find themselves having to work part-time in a secular profession. They have to do…
The Bible: Truth or Fiction?
Is the Bible the truth of God or merely composed of human ideas? In January 1989, John Shelby Spong, the…
The Biblical Understanding of Truth
My purpose in presenting the above four worldviews is to emphasise their differences. Unless you believe that anything can be true (which…
The Big Bang
A recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article quoted a poll showing that 51% of Americans do not believe the universe…
The big bang points to creation
For several decades, the prevailing view in cosmology was called the “steady state” theory, the idea that the universe has…
The Big Bang Theory
Time Temperature 10-43 sec. Universe is about the size of a dust grain; the fundamental forces initially…
The Birth of Jesus: A Story of Shame
Jesus’ birth involves more humiliation than glory. The Son of God was in glory, but he saw us living in…
The Blame Game and Other Games
Have you ever suffered and then blamed yourself for your misfortune? Perhaps you questioned your faith? You worried that God…
The Bond of Love
Who’s dat?” This is the repeated question of my 1-year-old as she points at people and clutches her favorite book,…
The Boy In the Airport
On a windy and cold summer day 20 years ago, I stood in the Aberdeen airport in Aberdeen, Scotland, waiting…
The Boys
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Horace the Brush Turkey |
Read... The Bread of HeavenJesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from… The Bride’s StoryI had been dreaming of this day since I was a little girl because my groom and I had been… The Central Plank CracksTransformed by Truth, by Joseph Tkach Chapter 9 British or Anglo-Israelism is a doctrine of little interest to most Evangelicals…. The Certainty of God’s Love (Romans 8:18-39)Throughout the book of Romans, Paul has argued that God counts us as righteous because of what Christ has done…. The Christian Life and Our Participation in Christ’s Continuing MinistryThe nature and obligations of the Christian life have received increased emphasis in recent years, especially within evangelical branches of the church in North America, whether within mainline denominations, historically evangelical denominations or independent churches. This emphasis in itself is not problematic and could be an indicator of a growing awareness that being Christian requires a living coherence of piety and practice, faith and obedience, private devotion and public witness, personal holiness and social righteousness. The Christian Sabbath (a booklet)Chapter 1: The Law and the Promise Chapter 2: The Law and the Spirit Chapter 3: Entering God’s Rest Chapter… The Christian Sabbath: The Law and the PromiseSome churches teach that Christians ought to keep the seventh-day Sabbath. The basis of this conviction is usually the belief… The Church and Its MinistryIn this essay, Dr. Gary Deddo shows how incarnational Trinitarian theology informs our understanding of the church and its practice of ministry. For additional… |