Stars of Wonder

I recently spent a warm summer evening in the country reclining on a friend’s deck. I was amazed to be…

Stay Focused on Jesus

Jesus must remain our focus throughout the year. He alone is the final and ultimate revelation of who God is…

Stay Tuned

Every now and then my car needs a tune-up. Not necessarily because it stops working. It can still take me…

Stewardship of Talents

Christian churches sometimes talk about the idea of “stewardship,” but especially for new people, it is often an unfamiliar word….

Sticking Together

Having a wholesome breakfast prepares us for the day ahead. In many parts of Africa people eat a corn-based porridge…

Still Small Voices

I was recently asked to be one of several guest speakers at a women’s conference in South Africa. It was…

Take the Leap

Jesus once told a story about two kinds of people who went to the temple to pray. One of them…

Talking With God

We can communicate with God as our Father through the Holy Spirit. “THIS WEEK,” reported Newsweek magazine, “more [Americans] will pray than…

Talking With Paul Young

The author of The Shack shares his thoughts about his best-selling novel. I’m the most accidental author you’ll ever meet….

Teamwork in the Church

Sometimes Christians assume that full-time pastors serve the Lord more than other members do. Although that may be true in…

Tell Peter

The life of Peter, Jesus’ friend and leading disciple, is a lesson for all who are discouraged. He struggled with…

Text Speak

Dear BF (Best Friends), My first encounter with text-speak came a few years ago when I received an e-mail with…


Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks to the Holy One Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His…

The Abundant Life

Christ came so we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Some modern preachers want us to…

The Apostles’ Creed

As the Christian church spread throughout the Roman world in the first century, and as the first leaders died out,…

The Art of Possibility

The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander Reviewed by Nan Kuhlman The Art of Possibility, by…

The Audacity to Hope

I hadn’t yet been born when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pricked the conscience of the nation with the audacity…

The Battle Over Genesis 1

How are Bible-believing Christians in the late 20th century supposed to understand the crucial first chapter of Scripture? “In the…

The Beauty Within

It was a warm summer’s day, so my daughter, two grandsons and I decided to visit the rummage sale at…

The Bi-Vocational Pastor

Misconceptions about “bi-vocational” pastors Increasingly pastors find themselves having to work part-time in a secular profession. They have to do…

The Big Bang

A recent Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article quoted a poll showing that 51% of Americans do not believe the universe…

The Big Bang Theory

Time Temperature 10-43 sec. Universe is about the size of a dust grain; the fundamental forces initially…

The Bond of Love

Who’s dat?” This is the repeated question of my 1-year-old as she points at people and clutches her favorite book,…

The Boys

barryBarry the Butcher Bird
Horace the Brush Turkey

The Central Plank Cracks

Transformed by Truth, by Joseph Tkach Chapter 9   British or Anglo-Israelism is a doctrine of little interest to most Evangelicals….

The Christian Life and Our Participation in Christ’s Continuing Ministry

The nature and obligations of the Christian life have received increased emphasis in recent years, especially within evangelical branches of the church in North America, whether within mainline denominations, historically evangelical denominations or independent churches. This emphasis in itself is not problematic and could be an indicator of a growing awareness that being Christian requires a living coherence of piety and practice, faith and obedience, private devotion and public witness, personal holiness and social righteousness.

The Church and Its Ministry

In this essay, Dr. Gary Deddo shows how incarnational Trinitarian theology informs our understanding of the church and its practice of ministry. For additional…