Nobody Prepares You

I work for a parachurch organization called Youth for Christ. Recently, several co-workers and I had an enlightening conversation during…

Not Long Now…

Not long now,” the nurse says. Can’t say I’ll be sorry when it comes. I don’t want to die. I…

Now Wash Your Hands

Do you lend a helping hand? Togetherness is a strong tradition in African society. The idea is that no one…

Obeying God

Some people worry that if we emphasize God’s grace, that people will stop caring about how they behave. Well, they…

On Being a Child of God

Jesus’ disciples sometimes had delusions of self-importance. They once asked Jesus, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”…

On Mission in the Bahamas

In the video below, GCI Mission Developer Charles Fleming interviews GCI Pastor Robert McKinney about the disciple-making approaches Robert and…

Once Pagan, Always Pagan?

Does Deuteronomy 12:30-31 mean that it is sinful to have Christian celebrations on days that used to be celebrated in honor…

One and Three

The first Christian missionaries preached the gospel in a pagan, polytheistic world. They preached that there was only one God,…

Only One God

The Bible proclaims plainly and clearly that there is one and only one God. When the Bible says that God is…

Only One Name

Many Christians believe that all people who do not accept the gospel before they die are eternally lost and without…

Ordination of an Elder

Ordination to the office of elder should normally take place during the worship service in the congregation where the elder…

Our Adoption Story

Eric and I always wanted a big family. We already had two boys when our third child, Stuart, was born…

Our Story

We are an international Christian fellowship with about 50,000 members formed into 900 churches spread across 100 countries. We began…

Our Strange Dead God

From the various medals, statues and drawings adorning his car, it was obvious that my taxi driver was Hindu. He…

Our Values

What we value most reflects what we are as individuals and as a church. Members of our denomination are diverse…