Jesus and Laws

How did Jesus fulfill the law? (Matthew 5:17-19) In Matthew’s account of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: Do…

Jesus and the Sabbath

This article is chapter 12 of Sabbath, Circumcision and Tithing. For many people, the most persuasive argument in support of the…

Jesus and Women

In the first-century world, the way Jesus treated women was considered revolutionary. Mary, mother of Jesus When she became a…

Jesus Reveals God

Chapter 4 of God Is… The Bible teaches that God is one. There are not two Gods, or three, or…

Jesus the Messiah

Now we come to the New Testament. The title page of this section of your Bible probably includes the words of…

Jesus Was Not Alone

On a small hill just outside of Jerusalem, a troublemaking teacher was killed on a cross. He was not alone….

Jesus Went With Him

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone who thinks…

Jesus’ Acceptance

Christians often joyfully proclaim that “Jesus accepts everyone” and “does not judge anyone.” Though there is gospel truth in these…

Jesus’ Benediction

Often when travelling, I’m asked to speak to churches, conferences and board meetings. Sometimes I’m asked to give the closing…


Luke 8:1-3; 23:8-12; 24:1-12; Mark 6:14-32; Acts 13:1 John the Baptist had been murdered! It was a chilling example of…

John 14: In His Name

“Whatever you ask in my name,” Jesus said, “I will do it” (John 14:13). Some people seem to think that…

John 4: True Worship

Jews and Samaritans simply didn’t get along. The trouble went way back, five centuries or so, to the days of…

Joseph: The Hand of God

For an overview of what will be covered in this chapter, read Genesis 37-50. The Egyptian officer prodded his horses…

Judges: Gideon and His Son

Episode four: Gideon: Judges 6-8 Unfortunately, the Israelites again reverted to their sinful ways and “did evil in the eyes…

Judges: Jephthah and Samson

Episode five: Jephthah: Judges 10:1-12:7 Tola and Jair (Judges 10:1-5) were among the so-called “minor” judges. They performed judicial functions…