GCI in Canada

Loading player… Our Canadian churches maintain their own website, with information about their churches, pastors, activities, and publications. Click here…

GCnext mission

Planting seeds for GCI’s next generation. GCnext is the name for our U.S. domestic mission work with a focus on planting…

Genealogies of Jesus

Genealogies fulfilled several purposes in the ancient world. Rulers used such lists to justify their power and authority. They were…

Generosity as a Way of Life

I have known Mark Vincent for several years. He has presented seminars on Christian stewardship at our ministerial conferences in the United…

Genesis: Isaac and Jacob

Genesis 25:19-36:42 Jacob and Esau: chapter 25:19–34 In the Hebrew culture, a woman’s inability to have children was a reproach….

Get Salty

In some areas of the world salt can be difficult to come by. Occasionally it goes stale and seems to…

Getting Real

Most of us go to great lengths to look good in the eyes of others, but according to Jesus, it…

Give Me a Break!

It’s been a bad morning. One of those mornings where everything goes wrong. It started first crack out of the…

Give Now, in a Recession?

Economy in Shambles,” “Unemployment Rate Skyrockets,” “Chrysler and GM Bankrupt,” “Retirement Savings Evaporate,” “Housing Prices Plummet.” Nearly 60 banks have…

Go and Do Likewise

It may seem like a strange question to ask Christians, but here it goes anyway. Do you love God? And…

God Bless America

The events of Sept. 11, 2001, affected the American psyche. There was a sudden upsurge in patriotism, and a willingness…

God in the Flesh

The birth of Jesus Christ marked the beginning of the most important sequence of events of all history. His birth,…

God Offers You Hope

What could be more comforting than to experience the reality of God’s love for you? The good news is that…

God Speaks to Us!

The Bible is a window. Have you opened it lately? Almost all American households have one or more Bibles. Yet…

God Told Me…

“God told me to move my family to Saudi Arabia.” Alex stared at his friend, wondering if he was just…

God’s Grace

Ask 20 ministers from multiple denominations to define grace and you’ll likely get many different definitions, along with some lively…

God’s Video

When I was a junior in college, I was invited to go on a weekend retreat sponsored by one of…

God’s Wrath

The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). He chooses to do good, to help human beings….

Going for the Gold

  How should a Christian pursue success in a world of cutthroat competition?   We all want success. We don’t…

Going on a Guilt Trip?

Guilt trips. They’re all the rage, you know. Everybody’s taking them. No date restrictions. Availability unlimited. People of all ages…

Good Things

Melanie was going through a time of serious stress. Amidst family and financial problems, she still had to find the…