A Servant of the People

Transformed by Truth, by Joseph Tkach Chapter 6   It had been a long, grueling, and even frightening battle. But on…

A Sign Forever

Signs are important. We could hardly get along without them. We have signs for road safety, for identifying stores, indicating…

A Study Series on Ephesians

Ephesians: The Divine Purpose in Christ – Introduction The Divine Purpose in Christ: Ephesians 1:3-14 The Divine Knowledge and Power…

A Time for Love

In the Broadway play, A Raisin in the Sun, a father dies and is survived by his wife, a son…

A Timely Gift

“African time” is a standard joke among black and whites in Africa. It refers to a lack of punctuality. Once…

About Our Founder

Herbert Armstrong emphasized that Christianity is a way of life. In 1926, Herbert Armstrong was a newspaper advertising agent in…

Acts Chapter 1

The Dedications of Luke and Acts (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2) Luke began his book, which we call the “Acts of…

Acts Chapter 10

The Gospel Goes to Cornelius, a Gentile (Acts 10:1-11:18) Part 1: Chapter 10 The Gentile challenge Luke now begins to…

Acts Chapter 11

The Gospel Goes to Gentiles, Part 2 (Acts 11) The Gentile challenge The conversion of Cornelius is a milestone in…

Acts Chapter 12

Peter Freed From Prison (Acts 12) About this time (12:1) Luke next turns his attention to an important episode of…

Acts Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Paul Takes the Gospel to Cyprus and Asia Minor (Acts 12:25-14:28) Barnabas and Saul take Mark (12:25) The…

Acts Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Paul Takes the Gospel to Asia Minor, Continued Missionaries at Iconium (14:1-3) Iconium (modern Konya) is the next…

Acts Chapter 15

The Council at Jerusalem (Acts 15) “Certain people came down” (15:1) While Paul and Barnabas are teaching at Antioch, some…

Acts Chapter 16

The second missionary journey, continued (Acts 16) Derbe and Lystra (16:1-2) After his pastoral visit to the churches in Syria…

Acts Chapter 17

The gospel goes into Macedonia and Greece On to Thessalonica (17:1) After Paul, Silas and Timothy leave Philippi, they travel…

Acts Chapter 18

Paul left Athens (18:1) Sometime after Paul’s defense before the Areopagus, Paul left Athens. Luke doesn’t say how long Paul…

Acts Chapter 19

Paul at Ephesus (Acts 19:1) While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul came to the important port of Ephesus, a city…

Acts Chapter 2

The Day of Pentecost (2:1) The day called “Pentecost” is named after the Greek word pentekostos, which means “fiftieth.” It was the…

Acts Chapter 20

From Macedonia and Greece to Jerusalem (Acts 20:1-21:16) To Macedonia (Acts 20:1-2) A short time after the tumult caused by…

Acts Chapter 21

Put out to sea (Acts 21:1-3) Luke continued to reflect the emotional scene surrounding Paul’s departure by saying the travelers…

Acts Chapter 22

“Brothers and fathers, listen…” (Acts 22:1) Luke was concerned with Paul as a credible witness for the gospel both before…

Acts Chapter 23

“In all good conscience” (Acts 23:1-2) Luke dispensed with any introductory material in his narration of Paul’s attempted defense before…

Acts Chapter 24

Paul the Prisoner of Rome, continued Jews bring charges (Acts 24:1-4) Five days after Paul arrived in Caesarea, the Jewish…

Acts Chapter 25

Festus goes to Jerusalem (Acts 25:1-3) As a new governor, Festus needed to become familiar with the local authorities. Three…

Acts Chapter 26

Agrippa opens the inquest (Acts 26:1) Though Luke described Paul’s speech as a “defense,” the occasion was a fact-finding investigation…

Acts Chapter 27

Paul sails for Rome (Acts 27:1-28:15) Luke as eyewitness (Acts 27:1) Sometime after Paul’s meeting with Agrippa, Festus made arrangements for…

Acts Chapter 28

Safety on Malta (Acts 28:1-2) Everyone either swam to the island or rode in on debris, and safely reached shore…

Acts Chapter 3

The Jerusalem Ministry of Peter and John ACTS 3:1-4:22 Peter and John (3:1) Acts 3 describes the dramatic healing of a…

Acts Chapter 4

The Jerusalem Ministry of Peter and John Acts 3:1-4:22, continued Sadducees vs. apostles (4:1-2) Luke now begins to develop an…

Acts Chapter 5

The Jerusalem Church, continued Ananias and Sapphira (5:1) In chapter 4, Luke painted an idealistic portrait of the Jerusalem church…

Acts Chapter 6

Persecution Strikes the Church, continued Hebraic and Grecian Jews (6:1) Luke turns away from the conflict between the Sanhedrin and…