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Illustrations from volumes 8 and 9 of The Bible and its Story Taught by One Thousand Picture Lessons, edited by Charles F. Horne and Julius A. Bewer, published by Francis R. Niglutsch, New York, in 1910. Many of the original paintings were in color, but were published in this book in black and white.
The birth of John announced. James Tissot. B8.81 | Zecharias stricken. Luke 1:21. C.P. Marillier. B8.82 | The espousal of Mary and Joseph. Matt. 1:18 Raphael. B8.84 |
Mary enters the temple. Luke 1:48 by Titian. B8.83 | The child John. Luke 1:63. Julius Schnorr. B8.87 |
The annunciation to Mary. Luke 1:38. Frederick Shields. B8.85 | Mary visits Elizabeth. Luke 1:42. Louis Feldmann. B8.86 | Following the star. Matt. 2:2. Gustave Dore. B8.93 |
The anxiety of Joseph. Matt. 1:20. J. James Tissot. B8.88 | The journey to Bethlehem. Luke 2:7. Joseph Aubert. B8.89 |
The worship of the shepherds. Luke 2:16. Henri Lerolle. B8.91 | The worship of the Magi. Matt. 2:11. Albrecht Durer. B8.94 |
The paean of the angels. Luke 2:10. Bernhard Plockhorst. B8.90 | Simeon. Luke 2:28. Heinrich Hofmann. B8.92 | Christ. Franz Ittenbach. B8.80 |
The massacre at Bethlehem. Matt. 2:16. Charles Le Brun. B8.95 | The flight into Egypt. Matt. 2:14. William Holman Hunt. B8.96 |
The return to Nazareth. Matt. 2:20. E. Zimmermann. B8.97 | The childhood of Christ. Luke 2:40. Eduard Veith. B8.98 |
Jesus astounds the rabbis, Adoph von Menzel Luke2 B9-4 | The lost one found, Paul Thumann. Luke2 B9.5 | Jesus in Joseph’s shop George Becker B9.6/ |
John preaching in the desert Gebhard Fugel. B9.8 | The first temptation, Luca Giordano. B9.10 | All the kingdoms of the world, Ary Scheffer, B9.12 |
Philip and Nathanael, W.J. Morgon, John 1:46. B9.14 | Nicodemus seeks Jesus, Wandsbecker Art Institute, John 3. B9.18 | Sermon at Nazareth, Luke 4. W. H. Margetson. B9.23 |
Rage of the Nazarenes, Luke 4:28James Tissot B9.24 | John baptizing the disciples. Nicholas Poussin. B9.19 |
“Cast yourself down” Matt. 4:5 Leonce de Joncieres. B9.11 | The first followers. John 1:38. Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld. B9.13 |
John sends disciples to Jesus. Matt 11:2 Eduard von Gebhardt B9.38 | The last Sabbath controversy. Mark 3:3 J.James Tissot B9.44 |
Parable of the sower Luke 8:5 Forres Gordon Dingwall B9.46 | Parable of the tares, Matt. 13:25. John E. Millais. B9.47 |
Parable of the unmerciful servant, Mt 18:29 Walter Russell B9.67 | Parable of the prodigal, Const. Feudel. Luke 15 B9-77 |
The apostles ambition rebuked. Mt 18:2 Henry Hofmann. B9.66 | Peace be to this house. Luke 10:5 Alexander Bida. B9.73 |
Mary’s choice. Luke 10:42 Bernhard Plockhorst. B9.74 | The tribute to Caesar. Mt 22:19 Gustave Dore B9.89 |
The widows mite. Mark 12.42 A.D. Rahn. B9.90 | Zacchaeus in the tree. Luke 19:4 Brendamour. B9.85 |
I will make you fishers of men. Mark 1:17 Ernest Zimmermann B9.26 | Woman at the Well, John 4. Henry Hofmann. B9.20 |
The woman summons the Samaritans. John 4:29. H. Tidey B9.21 | Leprosy conquered, Mark 1:41 James Tissot B9.29 |
Peace, be still. Mark 4:39 Anton Dietrich. B9.49 | The man born blind. John 9:30 B9.72 | Lazarus raised from death. John 11:44. Peter Paul Rubens. B9.79 |
A demon rebuked. Mark 1:26 B. Picart. B9.27 | The miracle at Cana. John 2:3 K.Luetzow. B9.15 |
The miracle of fishes. Raphael B9.25 | The suffering seek Jesus, Mark 1:22. G. Fugel. B9.28 |
A nobleman asks Jesus to come. J. James Tissot. B9.22 | Palsied man forgiven, Mark 2:4 Eduard von Gebhardt B9.30 |
Raising the dead. Luke 7:12. Louis Feldman. B9.36 | The call of Matthew. Matthew 9:9. Alexandre Bida. B9.31 |
Christ feasts with Matthew. Luke 5:29. Paul Veronese. B9.32 | The twelve chosen. Luke 6:13. H. S. Siemiradzki. B9.33 |