The Gospel According to Sam

Some people help you understand what the gospel is all about. They cut through all our theological bickering, personality conflicts and…

The Gospel and Superman

“I don’t think this world needs Superman. This world doesn’t need a savior,” Lois Lane tells the Man of Steel…

The Gospels and the Gospel

After a three-year study (1991-94), George Barna arrived at a sobering conclusion: “Spiritually speaking, many Christians try to run before…

The Gospels and Us

The witnesses to Jesus’ life and their associates affirm that they correctly passed on Jesus’ teachings to us. Can we…

The Great Awakening

In 1734, Northampton village in the colony of Massachusetts experienced a remarkable revival that became the catalyst for revivals throughout…

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God at work—creating, speaking, transforming us, living within us, working in us. Although the Holy Spirit…

The Intermediate State

Between a person’s death and the resurrection, is the person conscious, or not? Most Christians believe that the person is…

The Irony of It All

So one atheist was Christmas shopping with another atheist. The mall was crowded, but people were jolly. The Yuletide music…

The Jonah Syndrome

How I learned to stop worrying, and meet the Assyrians “Show proper respect to everyone; love the brotherhood of believers,…

The Joy of Salvation

Have you ever noticed that we tend to appreciate things more after they are gone? People take better care of…

The Kingdom of God

Introduction Down through the ages, the kingdom of God has been the focus of much Christian teaching, and rightly so….

The Lady With the Lamp

I don’t know her name. But for about 20 minutes, she was Florence Nightingale for me. They called her “The…

The Last Judgment

What should God do about evil? Many people have mixed feelings about what God should do. On one hand, they…

The Law and the Spirit

In chapter one we saw that the Sinai law, or law of Moses, was God’s covenant with ancient Israel and not with…

The Limits of Wisdom

In this series, we have commented on the tremendous value of wisdom. The wisdom literature, especially Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, gives…

The Lord Is My Shepherd

One of the best-loved passages in the Bible is Psalm 23. Its simple affirmation of complete trust and confidence in…

The Message of Hosea 11

Hosea 11 illustrates God’s persevering love for his children – a love so strong that it continues despite rebellion, a…

The Messianic Secret

Have you ever wondered why Jesus never preached Jesus? He went about doing good, the Bible tells us. He healed…

The Miracle Workers

My favorite movie of all time is The Miracle Worker, the story of blind, deaf Helen Keller and her teacher,…

The Movie of Life

“All the world’s a stage,” said Shakespeare in As You Like It, “and all the men and women [are] merely players: They…

The Name of God

When God called to Moses out of the burning bush, telling him to free the Israelites from bondage in Egypt,…

The New Atheists

I marvel at the way God created humanity in his own image, giving us rich and vivid imaginations and creativity….