Hope Floats

By Brenda Plonis Before (left) and after surgery. Mercy Ships first captured my attention at an exhibition in the United…

Hope for the Hopeless

Newspapers are full of bad news—economic uncertainties, persistent problems in Iraq, more strife and terrorism. Many Americans are pessimistic not…

How Are You Today?

Recently heard a story from a proud grandfather. His 14-month-old grandson, I’ll call him James, had recently learned to put…

How Russia Became Christian

Each July 15, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic and some Protestant Christians commemorate the baptism of Prince Vladimir (956-1015). He was…

How to Resist Temptation

Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, and Jesus responded by quoting scripture (Matthew 4). However, as you have probably noticed,…

I Am Pilate’s Wife

Matthew 27:11-66 I woke up suddenly, startled and shaken. I stared at the ceiling, momentarily relieved, thinking my nightmare about…

If I Were God

Let’s be perfectly honest—sometimes it’s hard for me to understand God. He just doesn’t make the decisions I would make…

If Jesus Were Married…

Jesus was not married. But let’s suppose for a minute what some people seem to think he would have done. Jesus would…

Impress Yourself

The Bible says that we should not compare ourselves to others, but it’s hard not to. For some of us,…

In Christ We Trust

Christianity is based largely on trust. We have been given exceedingly great and precious promises, but for the most part…

In God We Trust

God wants us to trust him. We are to trust in him, not in ourselves. We are to trust that…