The Torah: Bible Concepts From the Torah

The following questions on Bible concepts review material covered in this overview of the Pentateuch. To get more out of your study, you may want to write out the answers. However, do not send your answers to us for grading. This section reviews some of the major concepts you have studied. Refer to earlier articles to verify your answers.


1) What does the name Genesis mean?

2) What does Genesis teach us about God?

3) How does the book apply to your life today?

4) What did God do on the seventh day? Why?

5) Why is Genesis 1 theological rather than scientific in nature?

6) Human beings are created in God’s image. What does this mean?

8) Why did God institute marriage?

9) What did the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolize?

10) According to the serpent, what would happen if Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

11) Who tempted Adam and Eve to disobey? How can we be similarly tempted today?

12) Even as God exiled Adam and Eve from Eden, what promise did he give them regarding humanity’s future salvation?

13) What is the purpose of the envelope structure in Genesis 9:6? Give two other examples of this type of construction in the Bible.

14) Why was Noah able to discern the spiritual signs of his time?

15) Why did God destroy the earth with a flood?

16) What were the three parts of God’s covenant with Noah?

17) What spiritual lesson does the Tower of Babel episode teach us?

18) In what ways does Abraham’s journey of faith parallel your life as a Christian today?

19) What does the archaeological evidence from Mari and Nuzi illustrate about the historicity of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

20) How does John Drane show that, for the patriarchs, “God was not a remote, impersonal force”?

21) When God called Abraham, what did God promise him?

22) What spiritual lessons can we learn from the story of Esau and Jacob? Why does God want us to be more like Jacob?

23) What is the principal theme of the story of Joseph? Which biblical passages best illustrate this theme?


1) What does the name Exodus mean?

2) What does Exodus teach us about God?

3) How does the book apply to your life today?

4) Why did Moses flee to the land of Midian?

5) What were the five objections Moses raised to God’s mission for him? How did God answer each of these objections?

6) How can the reassurances God gave Moses encourage us today?

7) What is the tetragrammaton? How does the King James Version usually translate the words YHWH and ’adonai?

8) What does the blood of the Passover lamb symbolize for Christians today?

9) What is the New Testament significance of the children of Israel’s crossing of the Red Sea?

10) What is the theme of the song of Moses and Miriam?

11) What symbolism did New Testament writers see in the rock that provided water for the Israelites at Rephidim?

12) List the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). How did they show God’s concern for the whole of life?

13) List four ways the Book of the Covenant differs from other ancient law codes.

14) List three ways the law of Moses differs from the Code of Hammurabi.

15) How did the will of God govern the plan of the tabernacle and its construction?

16) In which ways did Aaron and his priestly garments typify Christ?


1) What does the name Leviticus mean?

2) What does Leviticus teach us about God?

3) How does the book apply to your life today?

4) How did God’s stipulations in Leviticus regarding Israel’s pattern of worship represent a profound break with tradition?

5) What did the sacrificial system of Israel foreshadow?

6) Why did God tell Israel, “The multitude of your sacrifices — what are they to me?” How can we apply God’s words to our lives today?

7) What was the significance of God’s commands regarding clean and unclean meats?

8) What is tithing, and why did God require it of Israel? What was the purpose of the second and third tithes?


1) What does the name Numbers mean?

2) What does Numbers teach us about God?

3) How does this book apply to your life today?

4) How is the idea of “substitutionary atonement” expressed in the Pentateuch?

5) What was the purpose of the Nazirite vow? What were its features?

6) What was the purpose of the second Passover?

7) Why did God condemn Israel to 40 years of wandering in the wilderness?

8) What spiritual principle can we learn from Korah’s rebellion?

9) What was Moses’ sin? How did God punish Moses?

10) What is the biblical origin of the phrase “the way [or error] of Balaam”? How is it used in the New Testament?

11) What positive traits did Miriam display that enabled God to work through her?

12) Why was it wrong for Miriam and Aaron to challenge Moses?

13) What was the purpose of the cities of refuge?


Articles from “Exploring the Word of God: The Books of Moses”

1) What does the name Deuteronomy mean?

2) What is unique about the outline of the book?

3) What does Deuteronomy teach us about God?

4) How does this book apply to your life today?

5) What important spiritual lessons are contained in Deuteronomy 4?

6) What is the significance of the shema‘?

7) Who in the New Testament explained the spiritual significance of this great law?

8) What specific warnings did Moses give the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land?

9) Why did God insist that the Israelites separate themselves from other nations?

10) In what ways did God encourage his people to be responsible citizens?

11) What was the major theme of Moses’ final message to Israel?

12) What tribute did God pay Moses in the last chapter of the Pentateuch?


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