Solomon. Gustave Dore. Prov. 1:1 | Counsel of the aged. Edward Halloway. Prov. 1:10 | Wisdom. H.O. Walker. Prov. 1:20 |
The woman of sin. F. R. Pickersgill. Prov. 2:18 | Seven things that God hates. W. W. Thompson. Prov. 6:16 | Grievous words. C. P. Marillier. Prov. 15:1 |
Folly. George F. Watts. Prov. 22:5 | The field of sloth. A. Gray. Prov. 24:30 | Hezekiah counsels modesty. Marillier. Prov. 25:6 |
A man with a maid. C. Mente. Prov. 30:18-19 | Mother of the household. Sculpture by G. van der Straeten. Prov. 31:28 | Isaiah 
Isaiah. Michelangelo. Isaiah 1:2 | The great arraignment. Salvatore Rosa. Isaiah 1:15 | The Judge of peace. Joseph Fuehrich. Isaiah 2:4 |
The vineyard of desolation. W. A. Kotarbinski. Isaiah 5:6 |  The burning coal. Picart. Isaiah 6:7 | Isaiah awaits king Ahaz. Dore. Isaiah 7:3 |
The virgin with child. Raphael. Isaiah 7:14 | Ahaz worships idols in the temple. C. P. Marillier. Isaiah 10:16 | God’s rule on earth. Pietro Vannucci. Isaiah 11:2 |
The weeping of Moab. Walter Russell. Isaiah 16:7-9 | The Assyrian tyrants in Israel. Dore. Isaiah 33:8 | Edom destroyed by God. J. B. M. Dupreel. Isaiah 34:2 |
Sennacherib’s death. A. Murch. Isaiah 37:38 | Isaiah’s last rebuke. Marillier. Isaiah 39:3 | Christ the conqueror. Bernard Plockhorst. Isaiah 40:10 |
“Before the day was” Vannucci. Isaiah 43:13 | Seek ye the Lord. Carl Schoenherr. Isaiah 55:6 | “I will gather all nations” J. F. Leempoels. Isaiah 66:18 |
Jeremiah Michelangelo | Vision of the branch. Picart. Jer. 1:11 | Jeremiah proclaims the law. Marillier. Jer. 11:6 |
The lesson from the potter. English. Jer. 18:6 | The fate of Judah’s kings. A. D. Rahn. Jer. 22:19 | The “righteous branch” Rubens. Jer. 23:5 |
The vision of the figs. Rahn. Jer. 24:1 | Baruch writes for Jeremiah. Dore. Jer. 30:2 | Jeremiah buys the field. Wright. Jer. 32:10 |
Jeremiah honored by the Babylonians. Sebastien Bourdon. Jer. 40:4 | The flight to Egypt forbidden. Marillier. Jer. 42:19 | The judgment on Babylon. Dore. Jer. 50:23 |
The fate of Zedekiah. Dore. Jer. 52:10 | Hosea Sargent | Hosea blames the priesthood. Walter Russell. Hosea 4:6 |
Amos. John Sargent |  Amos rebukes Israel’s luxury. Gerhard Hoet. Amos 6:4 | Amos driven from Israel. Dore. Amos 7:12 |
Jonah George Watts. | The sea-monster releases Jonah. Theodore Bernard. Jonah 2:10 | Jonah preaches in Nineveh. Dore. Jonah 3:4 |
The ravage of Nineveh. William Paget. Nahum 2:4 | Zephaniah preaches before Josiah. Marillier. | The great day of the Lord. William von Kaulbach. Zeph. 1:15 |