GCI: Our Values, Emphasis, and Ministries

We look to the future with hope and vision…

We find ourselves at a historic crossroad. As we follow Jesus Christ, our opportunities for spreading the gospel and advancing the kingdom of God are extraordinary. We walk by faith, counting on God’s power and faithfulness to fulfill his creative purpose in our lives. We rejoice in his grace, mercy and love, and seek his strength to respond to his will for us.

OUR VALUES are the foundational principles upon which we base our lives. Our values are demonstrated in the following areas of emphasis:


We emphasize sound biblical doctrine: We are committed to sound biblical doctrine. The Bible has been the basis of the Christian faith for centuries. The essential doctrines have been generally agreed upon — and attested to by the Holy Spirit — throughout church history. Since all humans are fallible, some disagreement on peripheral matters is inevitable. However, doctrinal disagreements should not be allowed to foster division within the body of Christ.

We emphasize Christian identity in Christ: As Christians, we have been given a new identity in Jesus Christ. As his servants, his friends and his brothers and sisters, we have been given what it takes to succeed — we have him! Jesus will never forsake us or leave us. We are secure in his love.

We emphasize the power of the gospel: Paul wrote: “The gospel…is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes”‘ (Romans 1:16). Today, the kingdom is advancing. People are accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and King. They are repenting of their sins, giving their allegiance and loyalty to him, and doing his work in the world.

We emphasize commitment and obedience to the Lord: We a highly committed people, eager to do the work of the Lord as best we understand it. The Holy Spirit leads and enables Christians to live godly and obedient lives.

We emphasize heartfelt worship: Because we are all created to bring glory to God, we believe in worship and joyful praise of our Lord and Savior that is culturally sensitive and relevant. Because our members vary in backgrounds and preferences, we strive to worship God through a variety of worship styles and occasions, blending traditional and contemporary in a way that brings glory to the Lord.

We emphasize prayer: Our fellowship believes in and practices prayer. Prayer is an essential part of the believer’s life in Christ and is an important part of both public and private worship. We believe that prayer leads to God’s intervention in our lives.


We value family life: The institution of the family has undergone significant change in the past two decades. Single parents, stepfamilies, children raised by grandparents, and other arrangements have become more common family situations. We value families, and emphasize education in biblical principles for healthy family relationships.

We value children’s ministry: Eighty-five percent of Christians made the decision to give their lives to Christ before the age of 18. We invest in children through age-appropriate teaching and fun-filled, meaningful activities and social opportunities for children.

We value youth ministry: Adolescence is challenging and even dangerous — yet teens everywhere are making decisions for Jesus Christ and committing their lives to him. A strong, Christ-focused youth ministry is essential to the future of the church and our communities.

We value small group worship: Personal spiritual growth is fostered in the context of small group life. Small groups provide opportunity to get to know other Christians, to worship God, discuss questions, study the Bible, share concerns, pray and receive prayer in a nonjudgmental environment. Small groups form the core of congregational life and are an ideal way for guests and visitors to become familiar with Christian faith and practice in a supportive and pressure-free setting.


We value spiritual gifts: The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to every Christian — different gifts for different believers — for the effective and unified operation of the church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

We value the ministry of all believers: Every Christian can help in significant ways, according to the gifts provided by the Holy Spirit, to advance the kingdom of God. The Lord calls his people into church fellowships so they are able to work together, with and for each other (Ephesians 4:16). Every Christian is called to make a difference for the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ.

We value stewardship: God’s people are stewards of his gifts, including our resources of time, energy and finances. He calls us to share generously what he gives us to further the gospel and serve others, just as he has been generous in his grace toward us. Members therefore give offerings as a form of Christian stewardship and worship.

We value racial reconciliation: God has blessed our church with racially and ethnically diverse congregations. We value spiritual unity in our racial, ethnic, cultural and social diversity. Scripture declares that all hatred and prejudice is contrary to the Christian life. We are committed to furthering racial understanding, forgiveness and healing.


We have a unique opportunity: We believe God has prepared us for a meaningful role in the work of the gospel. In his grace and wisdom, the Lord has taught us some important lessons in our spiritual journey. New members and longtime members alike have unique experiences that can, with the Spirit’s guidance, help them minister the grace of God to others.


Whether you are looking for answers to your questions about Jesus Christ and how he can make a difference in your life, or looking for a Christian fellowship to make your spiritual home, we would be delighted to meet you and pray with you. Please feel welcome to visit one of our worship services. For more information about the church and its activities, phone 800-423-4444.


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