China is an interesting country for visits and for ministry. Over the years, China has grown economically, politically and has been recognized as the second biggest economy in the world. Because of its political orientation, the growth of the Christian faith has not been easy, but awesome nevertheless, as we hear more Chinese people responding to the love of Jesus.

In this process however, it takes boldness of faith to reach them that they might also hear of Him. The Church has ventured into short term mission trips in the past, and have encouraged some of these missionary tentmakers to adopt China as their ministry focus.

The ministry model has also been small groups, and short term missionary tentmaking initiatives and pastoral visits. During these past few years, we have seen several baptisms and transformation mostly in the lives of young Chinese students. They have grown up now and have their own respective families. Our challenge is how to sustain them in their growth in Christ. In the past few years, the church has been involved in leadership development especially in providing informal and formal ministry training. One has graduated in seminary training and church internship in the Philippines. We are praying to identify more of these young people who love the Lord and are willing to be equipped so that they can also serve for the long haul to reach their own people.

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