Oliveira Kitambala and his wife are beginning a school project for orphans and street children just outside war-torn Luanda. Details are still being obtained.

The church is active in most nations of sub-Saharan Africa.

As you can probably appreciate, our Missions Directors take seriously the unique characteristics of the cultural and historical context in which they have to minister within the realities of their regions. We hope that this information has broadened your overview of the international work. There is still so much to do. We appreciate your regular and fervent prayers that God will inspire and uplift our MDs as they respond to the Holy Spirit, that God will bless and protect the many fellow laborers scattered throughout the world, and send even more laborers into his harvest.

Our mission outside the United States is funded in three ways. The first is through the donations of members in the various countries in which we work. The majority of mission work being done is being funded through this means. The second category is money that comes out of the denominational apportionment of the contributions received in U.S. local churches, and the third source is from individual or congregational donations that are in addition to the funds made available from the denominational apportionment. Missions Directors and some additional mission expenses incurred at the denominational offices are funded from this denominational apportionment.

Church Life:

Pastoral Team


Oliveira Kitambala, National Pastor
Cell: +244 930 214 592
Email: oliveira_kitambala@yahoo.fr

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