
As we continue to probe deeper into the nature of the physical world we are confronted with facts and phenomena that defy common sense.

Program Transcript

I think it was Mark Twain who said, “Faith is believing what you know
ain’t so.”

We who believe in God are often criticized by atheists
and agnostics for believing things that common sense tells us just “ain’t so.”
Reality is reflected in what you can prove to be true, not in nebulous ideas
that logically don’t add up: For example, the idea that God is three persons in

That used to be so, but beginning with Albert Einstein,
scientists have gotten used to the idea that they must accept a reality of things
that common sense tells them “ain’t so.”

Albert Einstein has always been a fascinating personality
to me. More than a hundred years ago, he wrote a paper describing a radical
insight into the nature of light. Einstein challenged the accepted ideas of
physics, and pioneered the development of quantum physics that turned the
scientific world upside down. 

As we
continue to probe deeper into the nature of the physical world–from the
immensity of the Universe to the intricacies inside the atom–we are confronted
with facts and phenomena that defy common sense.

Hawking, the theoretical physicist has written, “Quantum physics is a new model
of reality that gives us a picture of the universe. It is a picture in which
many concepts fundamental to our intuitive understanding of reality no longer
have meaning” (The Grand Design).

Einstein showed
that being scientific doesn’t mean making everything understandable with
absolute certainty. Today, research shows us that we must accept the reality of
things that just “ain’t so.” 

I find
this a fascinating topic to explore. When I see what paradoxes exist in nature,
it is not so difficult for me to accept that the nature of the “Creator of
light” would also seem–to my limited human understanding–also somewhat paradoxical.

So it
is not only scientists that owe Einstein a debt of gratitude for his insights.
Theologians can also learn from him. In theology we stand before a reality that
far exceeds our understanding. 

theology is not unscientific and science does not and cannot rule out a reality
greater than ourselves, or greater than our universe. As Einstein wrote,
“Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes
convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe–a spirit vastly
superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest powers must feel

I’m Joseph Tkach, Speaking of
